Email abuse

Created by Damian Mark Andrew Sleep 9 months ago

I had the pleasure to work with Mike for 25 years at ISS and I have 4 overwhelming (all fond) memories linked to my time with Mike that many will share who knew him well.  The first was his perpetual ability to make you feel incredibly unwelcomed as you approached his desk when he gave you (maybe it was just me!) the almighty stare as if to say 'you are not welcome here, push off' or words to that effect - all that emotion conveyed in just a brief look that would topple empires and nations if harnessed.  I am sure it was just me but it was that brilliant, focused 'Mike look' that you crossed at your peril.  The second was Mike's wonderful gift with a keyboard where he had refined the ability to type so loudly when annoyed you were in no doubt that the poor person on the receiving end of that email (usually me) was clear what Mike's intentions were - usually bold, in red and possibly in capitals or all three if in real trouble.  He viewed us operators as a collective pack of idiots generally and this was regularly shared with us in email form - reminding us of our incompetence as Mike saw it.  He was regularly, but not always, right.  You knew where you stood, never in doubt.  The third was Mike as a brilliant FD.  Truly brilliant.  The safest, hardest working and most diligent of people you could ever have running the numbers. My final and wonderful memory of Mike was the fun - beyond the numbers and those challenges - the fun.  Often combined with beer perhaps.  On many an occasion socially Mike was the source of and the contributor to endless fun and laughter and this was joyous - usually at other's expense but it was wonderful to see that side of Mike behind the hard work and pressure - it was his relief valve I guess.

Mike was an incredibly valuable, supportive and appreciated colleague to me in my long time with ISS and I had the pleasure of seeing the fun and social side of Mike too - the laughter, the sport, the family and maybe an occasional drink, possibly.  It is shocking to talk about Mike in the past tense but for Helen and the Barker family our heartfelt condolences to you on this awful and sudden loss but please know Mike was loved by us for so many reasons and will be deeply missed - taken far too soon.

Our love and best to you Helen and your family,
